Erkki Aurejärven romaani Pimeyden sydän on ilmestynyt 3.10.2023. Romaanin takakannessa on seuraava esittelyteksti:

lauantai 14. lokakuuta 2023

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Philip Morris markkinoi nykyään tuotteitaan tällä tavoin:

"We will be far more than a leading cigarette company. We’re building PMI’s future on smoke-free products that are a much better choice than cigarette smoking. Indeed, our vision – for all of us at PMI – is that these products will one day replace cigarettes. Smoke-free alternatives could deliver a 10-fold reduction in smoking-attributable deaths compared to historical measures alone.

PMI is building a future on a new category of smoke-free products that, while not risk-free, are a much better choice than continuing to smoke.  We are building PMI’s future on smoke-free products that—while not risk-free—are a far better choice than cigarette smoking.  This fundamental difference results in significantly reduced levels of harmful and potentially harmful constituents found in the aerosol it produces."

Savukkeisiin verrattuna terveyshaitat vähenevät kymmenkertaisesti.  Mahtaako tämä olla totta?  No, markkinointina tämä ainakin on tehokasta.

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